Monday, March 1, 2010

unicorn princess.

unicorn princess heels. need i even say more? you can score a pair right here except you'll have to wait until someone sends another shipment down the fashion rainbow. unicorn princess heels are SOLD OUT.
it's also worth mentioning that i really wanted to get a pair of these for my good friend lauren (not her real name). happy birthday anyway, unicorn princess! please also enjoy this gift of a unicorn prince (you have to watch until AT LEAST the 0:55 mark):

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1 comment:

audrey 'business suit' johnson said...

Those shoes are cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
And that unicorn dancer will undoubtedly give me nightmares for at least the next three nights. Creepy McCreeperton. I wish we had a video of JP and the Snuggie. I like his dance to this song way better than The Last Unicorn's.