Tuesday, January 3, 2012

(she's) a brick house.

listen muffins: i may have grown up in the country in kansas, but i love the city when i'm not yearning for the farm. i have always felt very much a city girl-not like slick shiny new city kind of girl, but that gritty metropolitan part... the part that shows a history, the part that is IN the city (suck it dry, suburbia), the part that has maybe been a little bit forgotten and repurposed over time. in chicago and in houston, during the pre-sugarbear years, i lived in an old grocery store (converted into an apartment, duh) and an old furniture warehouse (converted into lofts), respectively --sidenote: i would totally post photos of these places, would it not make it glaringly obvious that i have become older and totes a fatty, so you'll have to use your imaginations. end sidenote-- and i've been working on a project recently that has me jonesin' for loft living once again. especially if that loft looked like these, right? thanks pinterest.

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