monday night, i had the pleasure of attending a benefit reading by
ELIZABETH GILBERT, acclaimed author of eat, pray, love and more recently, committed: a skeptic makes peace with marriage.

i've never been to a book reading or met a famous author before, and i must admit that i felt ladylike, educated and quite sophisticated (which is a real first for me). it was refreshing to learn that aside from being a terrific writer, elizabeth gilbert is also a completely unaffected, extremely normal person. she's also a fantastic public speaker and tremendously funny, as in, stand up comedy funny. since the new book (committed) is a follow-up to eat, pray, love, EG spoke about both books, explaining how one adventure led into the next. i'm really excited to crack into committed: ASMPWM, especially since we received a copy of the book and even more so since LIZ signed it for me (fancy!). stay tuned for my glowing book review, and in the meantime, do yourself a favor and locate a copy of eat, pray, love and READ IT. i won't stumble around trying to review E,P,L, other than to say there are over five million copies in print, so it's kind of a big deal. if you're not a big reader, you can wait until august and
go see the movie, starring julia roberts and javier bardem.
thanks to my sad, middle-aged friends for joining me!
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